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10 Powerful Ways Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs

Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs

Does Cinnamon Repels Bugs! You can also incorporate a pinch of cinnamon into many different food dishes, but in addition to its sweet and warming flavors combined with these potent bug repelling properties. 

Cinnamon can help in getting rid of bed bugs all the way to garden pests, keeping your home as well as surrounding bug-free. In this article, we will dive into how cinnamon can help you fight different types of bugs (all scientifically proven and applicable at home).

How Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs?

Cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and linalool are some of the main compounds in cinnamon that help to repel bugs. 

Studies have shown that cinnamaldehyde these chemicals mess with the sensory reception of insects, which means that they will be hard pressed to find food sources or places where they can leave their larvae. Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties can aid in disrupting fungal communities that attract particular forms of critters as well.

Does Cinnamon Repel Bed Bugs?

Of all pests, bed bugs are a top tier problem. Bed bugs creep in through cracks and crevices, and then feast on human blood at night. Although plain cinnamon will not rid you of a bedbug infection, it can serve as an effective deterrent and enhance the effectiveness of other pest control methods. According to research published in the Journal of Economic Entomology, essential oils like cinnamon oil can significantly reduce the presence of bed bugs.

How to Use Cinnamon to Repel Bed Bugs:

Cinnamon Powder: 

The next step I recommend is to use cinnamon powder as a natural flea control agent across the bed area concentrating on the; joins of the bed frame, the seams of the mattresses and any other gaps where bed bugs could possibly be found. 

Cinnamon Oil: 

This is a natural repellent, add a few drops of cinnamon oil together with water and spray it on the bed and the whole affected areas. Repetition often, so that it stays effective. 

Does Cinnamon Oil Kill Bugs?

Cinnamon oil is highly recommended because it is highly concentrated and therefore very efficient against bugs. That is why its concentration has an intense smell and an insect repellent effect on many types of pests. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the use of essential oils as a safe and natural alternative to chemical insecticides.

Using Cinnamon Oil:

Spray Solution: 

Add 10-15 drops of cinnamon oil to a cup of water and make sure it is poured into a spray bottle. Shake wells and spray in and around doors and windows, tables, beds and other places where bugs are likely to be found. 


Spray cinnamon oil on your home and then turn on the diffuser so that it circulates the cinnamon scent all over the house. Besides warding off bugs, it also has the added benefit of freshening up my home. 

Topical Application: 

To avoid skin contact with the concentrated oil, mix ten drops of cinnamon oil with two tablespoons of any carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil and then apply it to your skin to prevent mosquito and they biting insects.

Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs

Are Cinnamon Essential Oil Repel Bugs?

Cinnamon essential oil is extremely effective in repelling bugs because of the way it smells and holds its scent. It proved effective against different classes of insects; specifically it repels mosquitoes, flies, and spiders. 

How to Use Cinnamon Essential Oil:

Cotton Balls: 

Cinnamon oil-put several cotton balls soaked in cinnamon oil where there are signs of bugs; for instance, closets, around sinks and windows.

DIY Bug Spray: 

To make the spray, mix 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil with one cup of water and a tablespoon of witch hazel and pour it in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture all over your home to effectively get rid of any bugs in your house.

Finally, the current paper seeks to establish whether cinnamon acts as an insect repellent to stink bugs. 

Stink bugs are very popular due to the release of the smell that is unpleasant to human beings when threatened. Fortunately, there is cinnamon that can keep them off. This makes them sever ties from your home because the strong odor of cinnamon irritates their feelings and keeps them at bay. 

Tips for Repelling Stink Bugs with Cinnamon:

Cinnamon Sticks: 

Hang cinnamon sticks near curtains and doors, as well as other areas believed to be haunted. 

Cinnamon Powder: 

Shake cinnamon powder around windows and doors as this will form a kind of line that the stink bugs will not cross. 

Most home gardeners are excited to know if cinnamon repels bugs in the garden or not and that’s what we intend to find out in this post.
Cinnamon has bug repelling attributes, so your garden will also be protected if you include the spice in your food. Another benefit of repelling pests from the garden while using cinnamon and also treating the plants from fungal infections.

How to Use Cinnamon in the Garden:

Sprinkle Powder: 

Cinnamon is also useful in driving away ants, gnats and other pests by just crushing it and placing it at several points around the trunk of the plant. 

Cinnamon Spray: 

One tablespoon of cinnamon needs to be stirred in one gallon of water. You should mist this solution onto the plants and it acts as an insecticide and antifungal agent. 

Soil Treatment: 

Some of the pests that are found in the soil include: Cinnamon powder can be added to the soil to minimize the incidences of pest and fungal diseases.

Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs

Does Cinnamon Keep Bugs at Bay in Sandbox?

Sandboxes can be home to several bugs but the good news is that you can use cinnamon so that the sandbox does not attract bugs. Cinnamon repels numerous insects, and thus your children can play knowing they are not surrounded by tiny creatures. 

Using Cinnamon in the Sandbox:

Mix with Sand: 

Meddle a handful of cinnamon powder into the sand and do not use too much. This will assist in preventing bugs such as ants and fleas from infesting the home. 

Sprinkle Around Edges: 

Therefore, put a layer of cinnamon powder in a circular manner around the Sandbox to ensure that no ants get close. 

Is Cinnamon Effective at Keeping Insects and Bugs Away?

This is common especially as to whether cinnamon really has the ability to repel bugs. Yes, it can be effective but the extent of its effectiveness depends on the bug that you are trying to eliminate and how you apply it. Cinnamon is more effective as a preventative measure and not so much for cases of serious infestation.

The use of Cinnamon in Regular Conjunction with Other Natural Insecticides
To increase the efficiency of cinnamon, add other natural repellents to it based on the following options. 

Here are a few suggestions:

Peppermint Oil: 

Peppermint oil added to cinnamon oil can be used to make a bug repellent spray.

Eucalyptus Oil: 

The properties of cinnamon are supported by the addition of Eucalyptus oil. 

Lemon Juice: 

Mix lemon juice with a pinch of cinnamon to obtain the organic bug and insect spray.

Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs

Safety Considerations:

While cinnamon is generally safe, it’s important to use it correctly to avoid any adverse effects:While cinnamon is generally safe, it’s important to use it correctly to avoid any adverse effects: 

Skin Sensitivity: 

Cinnamon oil should not be used on the skin since some people are bound to have an allergic reaction on their skin. It is advisable to mix it with a carrier oil before direct application on the skin.


Cinnamon can be toxic to some pets, and this is why it is advised not to feed pets with things containing cinnamon. Avoid adding cinnamon products where pets can access and immediately observe your pet’s body signals of your pets if they have taken a taste of cinnamon. 


It is recommended that cinnamon powder or oil should be used in sections where children cannot put their hands and reach for those products. 

10 Ways to Use Cinnamon to Eliminate Bugs and Insects:

Cinnamon Powder: 

Place it on the door, window sills, and around the base board. 

Cinnamon Sticks: 

Put them in closets, draws and any other restricted compartments of the house. 

Cinnamon Oil Spray: 

Diluent with water and then spread it over your surrounding environment; this may be your compound. 

Diff User: 

To distribute the smell of cinnamol, apply it in a diffuser. 


Small candles with cinnamon smell to prevent bugs from coming near the light and to have a good smell.

Cotton Balls: 

Bathe with cinnamon oil and then put in areas that are usually affected by bugs.

Garden Use: 

It can also be spread around the plants to keep the pests away.


Combine it with sand to shield the play zones. 

DIY Sachets: 

Prepare small and delicate bags with cinnamon sticks and place them in the shops’ storage areas. 


Potpourri mixtures should be protected from cinnamon because of its ability to ward off bugs and create a fresh smell around the home.

The Science Behind Cinnamon’s Bug-Repelling Properties:

Recent studies have explored the efficacy of cinnamon and its compounds in repelling insects. 

Research shows that cinnamaldehyde, the primary active component in cinnamon, disrupts the sensory receptors of insects, making it difficult for them to detect food and mates. This interference leads to a natural deterrent effect, keeping insects at bay.

Does Cinnamon Repel Bugs


Cinnamon is a powerful and natural way to repel a variety of bugs. From bed bugs to garden pests, its strong scent and potent oils make it an effective deterrent. 

By incorporating cinnamon into your home and garden routine, you can enjoy a bug-free environment while benefiting from its pleasant aroma and other health advantages. 

Whether you choose cinnamon powder, sticks, or essential oil, this spice offers a versatile and eco-friendly solution to your bug problems.

By understanding the various ways to use cinnamon and combining it with other natural repellents, you can create a comprehensive bug-repelling strategy that is safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. 

So, next time you’re dealing with pesky insects, reach for the cinnamon and give these methods a try. Your home and garden will thank you!

FAQs on Using Cinnamon to Repel Bugs

Q: What bugs does cinnamon repel?

A: Cinnamon is effective against a variety of bugs including ants, mosquitoes, flies, bed bugs, spiders, moths, stink bugs, cockroaches, fleas, and silverfish.

Q: Does cinnamon repel bed bugs?

A: Yes, cinnamon can help deter bed bugs. While it may not completely eliminate an infestation, its strong scent can make it difficult for bed bugs to locate their hosts.

Q: How can I use cinnamon oil to repel bugs?

A: You can mix cinnamon oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it around entry points, windowsills, and other areas where bugs are common. You can also use a diffuser to spread the aroma throughout your home.

Q: Is cinnamon safe to use around pets and children?

A: Generally, cinnamon is safe, but it should be used with caution. Keep cinnamon products out of reach of pets and children to prevent accidental ingestion. Also, dilute cinnamon oil before applying it to the skin to avoid irritation.

Q: Does cinnamon repel bugs in the garden?

A: Yes, cinnamon can help repel garden pests. Sprinkle cinnamon powder around the base of plants or mix it with water to create a spray that can deter insects and prevent fungal infections.

Q: Can I use cinnamon in the sandbox to repel bugs?

A: Yes, mixing a few tablespoons of cinnamon powder into the sand or sprinkling it around the edges of the sandbox can help keep bugs like ants and fleas away.

Q: Does cinnamon essential oil repel bugs?

A: Yes, cinnamon essential oil is highly effective in repelling a wide range of insects due to its strong and long-lasting scent.

Q: How often should I reapply cinnamon to repel bugs?

A: Reapply cinnamon regularly, especially after cleaning or heavy rain, to maintain its effectiveness as a bug repellent.

Q: Can I combine cinnamon with other natural repellents?

A: Yes, combining cinnamon with other natural repellents like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or lemon juice can enhance its bug-repelling properties.

Q: Does cinnamon repel stink bugs?

A: Yes, the strong scent of cinnamon confuses and repels stink bugs, preventing them from entering your home.