Digital Health Profits

7 Amazing Types of Touchdown Exercise

Types Of Touchdown Exercise
Types Of Touchdown Exercise


Types of TouchDown Exercise! If you are bored with your routine and planning to get some glutes worked in at the end of a workout, touchdown exercises are fierce options.

Such dynamic moves increase muscle strength and endurance, and performance-related needs such as coordination (the ability to have two body parts work together — Think catching or hitting a tennis ball) and balance.

Types of Touchdown exercise are great for anyone from fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes and can be adjusted based on your level of expertise, excited to get started on some incredible sort of landing sporting activity that could take your workout routine up a notch? Let’s get started!

Types of Touchdown Exercise

Develop strength, flexibility, and balance in one dynamic move. These types of Touchdown exercise. These exercises consist of a “touchdown”, where one part of the body will touch the ground.

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your game or a person who gets bored easily, let’s explore some of the awesome kinds of touchdown workouts that can be part exercises we do every day.

Touchdown Push-ups

Key Takeaways:

  • Works — Chest, Triceps, and Core.
  • Better balance and coordination.
  • Classic Magnification with a twist
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Balance ImprovementChest, Triceps, CoreNone

That includes turning your push-ups into touchdown push-ups. Get into a normal push-up stance. Keep your right hand in contact with your left shoulder when placed down in a lying position.

Switch hands and perform push-ups with the other hand on all alternate reps. In addition to the chest and triceps, this works at your core as you stabilize while rotating with one leg off of the ground and pushing up.

Single-Leg Touchdown Squat

Key Takeaways:

  • Works the Legs and Improves Balance
  • Works the hamstrings and glutes.
  • Requires no equipment.
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Enhanced StabilityGlutes, HamstringsNone

Single-leg touchdown squat: This move is more about balance and lower body strength, engaging a lot of the glutes and hamstrings. Stand on one leg with the other extended forward.

Bending the knee of your standing leg, reach down to touch the opposite foot. Go back to the other position and repeat with your left leg.

The movement of a simple bodyweight squat directly translates to being able to stabilize and stimulate your leg without the need for any fancy equipment.

Types Of Touchdown Exercise
Types Of Touchdown Exercise

Dynamic Touchdown Jumps

Key Takeaways:

BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Cardiovascular BoostLower BodyNone

With this, you have the explosive strength of plyometrics geared at direct impact. Begin in a squat and jump up as high after reaching your hands towards the sky.

Stomp then touch the ground as soon as you land before double jumping. This is a great plyometric exercise to build lower body power and increase heart rate.

Touchdown Burpees

Key Takeaways:

  • Increases difficulty of traditional burpees
  • Improves muscle endurance and cardiovascular conditions
  • Includes whole-body movement
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Full-body WorkoutMultiple Muscle GroupsNone

The Touchdown burpee is next level, or maybe that should be extra! Do a normal burpee, but when you jump up try to reach as high as possible.

On the way back into the squat, touch the ground with both hands and jump to the plank. This drastic alteration will aid in improving muscle endurance as well as cardiovascular health.

Side-to-Side Touchdowns

Key Takeaways:

  • Obliques / adds side-to-side movement
  • Builds core, glutes, and leg strength
  • Boosts agility and co-ordination.
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Core EngagementObliques, Glutes, LegsNone

Side-to-side touchdownsGood for obliques, change-of-direction movementsThis dynamic take on a standard touchdown move involves a little more lateral movement.

Stand with your feet apart by a little wider than shoulder width C Assistantsquats next to the practitioner leaning right while rising, left hand reaching towards your R foot.

Go back to the squat and repeat on the other side. It is not just the core that this targets, but perhaps even more so the specific muscles of the bum and legs.

Types Of Touchdown Exercise
Types of Touchdown Exercise

Plank Touchdowns

Key Takeaways:

  • Concentrates on abdomen muscles and arms
  • Hits: shoulders, back and abs.
  • Builds a strong foundation.
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Core StrengtheningCore, Shoulders, BackNone

Benefits Muscles Working Required Equipment

Multi-Muscle EngagementEnsures comprehensive workouts with compound movements
Agility EnhancementImproves proprioceptive skills and body coordination
Cardiovascular HealthIncreases heart rate for better cardiovascular conditioning

Core, Shoulders (0 min) Back None

It teaches you how to use your core stability and upper body strength [b]est NSLayoutConstraint107. Start in a plank position.

Touch your left shoulder with your right hand and back to the ground. Repeat with the other hand. Touch each hand to the opposite foot to make it more difficult.

This movement works with your core, shoulders and back, strengthening the foundation.

Touchdown Lunges

Key Takeaways:

  • Integrates upper-body movement with lunges.
  • Increase coordination and leg strength
  • Targets glutes effectively.
BenefitsMuscles WorkedEquipment Needed
Improved CoordinationLegs and GlutesNone

Touchdown lunges are the same as regular lunges, combined with upper-body movement.

Take a big step forward with one foot into a lunge, and as you lower your body down touch the ground beside that front foot.

Press yourself back to the start and do it on the other side. This exercise helps improve coordination and also targets the legs and glutes.

What Are the Advantages of Touchdown Workouts?

Muscle Activation:

Activate the various muscles required to perform the exercise.

Good for Agility & Coordination:

Helps with balance, timing, and spatial perception.

Cardiovascular Conditioning:

Improves cardiac exercise and endurance

Improved AgilityIt enhances proprioception & body coordination

Heart Health:

Makes heart-rate pump up for endurance and cardiovascular conditioning

There are numerous benefits of performing touchdown exercises in your workout regimen. These dynamic moves are great because they help with muscle strength, agility, and cardiovascular health.

Building Strength in Many Muscles

These types of touchdown exercise are compound exercises – they work many muscles in multiple muscle groups at once. The single-leg touchdown squat is designed to build glutes, hamstrings, and cores, while plank touchdowns will challenge your shoulders, back, and abs.

This Simultaneous Scale Approach to Exercise provides a complete overall workout maximizing muscle usage and total body strength.

Increased Agility and Coordination

The balancing and awareness that is needed for these exercises are what can help so much in loosening your agility and coordination.

Side-to-side touchdowns and touchdown lunges are movements that require the body to shift weight from one end of the body laterally by increasing proprioceptive skills, as well increase overall motor coordination and spatial orientation.

Cardiovascular Fitness is Enhanced

Numerous drills to increase the heart rate include landing exercises like dynamic landing jumps or burpees. This improves cardiovascular health and can increase endurance.

Doing this all the time provides a strong and healthy heart, which means that breathing in normal activities becomes easier, and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

They increase your physical fitness rate, which makes them a great alternative activity for staying in shape and getting strong.

4 Ways to Include Types of Touchdown Exercise in Your Training Orders

By integrating touchdown workouts into the fitness lifestyle, you can vastly improve your strength by coarse transformation in muscle building, particularly lower limb muscles.

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned athlete, there’s an optimal way to include these dynamic movements into your routine.

Tips for beginners

Beginning a Brand:

A new kind of exercise can be scary for many people, but it doesn’t have to be that way when it comes to touchdown workouts! For beginners, Here are some suggestions :

Go Slow, to Go Fast:

The first movement pattern I would progress is the basic touchdown squat. Practice does not make it perfect, but it makes it permanent: use slow form-focused reps to etch in the movement pattern


If balance is still difficult, use a chair or wall for support when you squat.


Consistency is everything when it comes to working out. Workups: Add in two to three workups a week.

Be Attentive to Your Body;

Listen carefully to see how your body responds DURING and AFTER workouts. A little discomfort is fine, but anything feeling like pain has to go. Reevaluate your methods or seek professional help if needed.

Types Of Touchdown Exercise
Types Of Touchdown Exercise

Advanced Versions of Exercises for Experienced Athletes

Advanced variations:

For advanced specialization beyond the fundamentals, consider these touchdown exercises.

Single Leg Touchdown Squat:

This is great for glutes and quads and also targets core stability and balance.

Jumping Touchdown Squat:

Incorporate a plyometric aspect by jumping high from the squat. This will cause the heart rate to rise and activate more muscle.


Use a dumbbell or kettlebell to perform and weighted version of the Touchdown Squat exercise to further increase resistance/difficulty (green in color).

Sample Types of Touchdown Exercise Plan

So that you can get started, below is an instance of simple types of touchdown exercise plan. This plan comprises several touchdown exercises, hence the name (hallelujah!) is designed specifically to help you build stronger lower-body muscles and feel those glutes working.

Get Your Free Glute Building Workout Plan PDF!

With this glute-building workout plan you can easily download, and use it to develop the muscles in your butt as much muscle growth as possible — paired with the GLUTE GAINZ nutrition guide of course. This includes:

Exercise Description:

Detailed in-depth exercise tutorials on proper forms to ensure you get the most out of every workout and prevent the risk of injury.

PUSH- Button2{ Scheduled Workouts:

The program substitutes certain days for every single workout, which means that parts of your own body have an organization’s rest instance to recharge and repair.

Progress Tracking:

Templates to track your progress over time to keep you pushing towards the mark.

Five Day Bagout – Glutes

The 5-day workout is split for those of you serious about developing stronger, more sculpted glutes.

Day 1

Cease I Heavy Lift: Focus on heavy weights and low reps to build strength (e.g. weighted squats, deadlift)

Day 2

Plyometrics and Speed: Jumping touchdowns, and sprints to improve power & speed.

Day 3:

Rest or Light Activity: Keep it easy and let your muscles heal with a rest day or light activity.

Day 4:

Variations of Touchdowns: Use some different examples from one leg or jump to shock your muscles in a new way.

Day 5:

Strength Endurance: Perform lengthier sets with less weight to reinforce muscular endurance and stamina.

Types Of Touchdown Exercise
Types Of Touchdown Exercise

Glute Burner Workout

Give this killer glute burner workout a try to end your week and kick-start that lower body of yours.


Spend 5-10 minutes performing dynamic stretches to warm up and prepare your muscles for the workout.

Set 1:

Touchdown Squats-Begin with a light weight and perform three sets of 12-to-15 repetitions, allowing you to focus on your form.

Set 2

Single Leg Touchdown Squats x3 sets each leg (10 reps per side) [Balance & Unilateral Strength]

Set 3:

8-10 Jumps (Cardio) Jumping Touchdown Squats

Static Stretch & Foam Roll (10-15 Minutes):

Focus on stretching your glutes, hamstrings, and quads after completing each workout to improve your flexibility as well you can also foam roll afterward for muscle recovery.

Whether you’re a beginner in the fitness world or an experienced pro, these types of touchdown exercise can greatly enhance lower body strength.

Contributing more power supply during activities like running, jumping, and training; overall— making them suitable for every level of athlete.

Also, note to tailor the routines depending on your fitness level, and if you are not certain you know or have a personal trainer monitoring for techniques. Happy squatting!


You can keep your workouts engaging while also focusing on strength and stability with types of touchdown exercise.

Including these exercises, such as the normal touchdown squat and single-leg touchdown squats (and others mentioned) may bring you great advantages in toning muscle balance and general fitness.

Be it improving your glute muscles, or full body work touchdown exercises can be customized according to you. Now, one thing to note is that consistency in any workout routine will get you there so keep going and those results are right around the corner.


What are touchdown drills and why should we do them?

Touchdowns are dynamic exercises where the goal is to make contact with something on your body, typically fingers or hands (for legs have a look at skaters). They work well because:

  • Builds Muscle Strength and Endurance.
  • Coordination and Balance enhancement.
  • Work towards all levels of fitness and goals.
How many times a week should I do these types of touchdown exercise?

Tip: Do this exercise 2–3 times a week. It can be used at this frequency because it encourages muscle recovery & adaptation transparently.

Are Types of Touchdown Exercise Suitable for Beginners?

Beginners can do touch-down exercises by focusing on basic movements and building strength for proper form which includes using props to assist. The intensity and complexity can increase –age as you develop strength and confidence.

Touchdown Exercises Muscles Worked

Here are the main muscles targeted when doing Touchdowns and also, reaffirmed in our study:

  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Core
  • Quadriceps
  • Shoulders

Various modifications can emphasize one muscle group more so than another.

What is the equipment needed to perform these types of touchdown exercise?

Touchdown exercises are generally not equipment, meaning you can complete them at home. Hundreds of other advanced versions of this push-up exist that might incorporate dumbbells or kettlebells for increased resistance.

Why are types of touchdown exercise efficient for cardio fitness?

Workouts such as dynamic touchdown jumps and touchdown burpees are a clear way to get the heart rate up through high-intensity movements, which contributes just fine to cardiovascular endurance/ health.

How can I mix touchdown exercises with other workouts?

Absolutely! No matter what your routine may be, strength training… cardio or flexible touchdown exercises can easily wait their way into them.

They cater to different fitness goals and offer a holistic manner for people looking after their total technical health.

How To Monitor Types of Touchdown Exercise Progress?

To track progress, consider:
Tracking Reps and Settings: to track progress over time.
Click here to track the weight used (listeners take note of any improvements in resistance during exercise)
Assess improvements in stability and coordination by evaluating forms and balance

Can you suggest a proper workout plan for these types of touchdown exercise?

If you need a structure, feel free to download our Glute Building Workout Plan PDF which will provide you with a weekly plan that details the exercises, along with an exercise description and outline to track your progression.

What can I do to avoid injuring myself while doing these types of touchdown exercise?

To prevent injury:

  • Engage in a proper warm-up right before you go.
  • It is vital to focus on form so that you perform each correctly.
  • Begin with a light intensity and slowly work your way up as you become more experienced.
  • Pay attention to your body and rest when needed.
Can touchdown exercises be done by any age group?

You can modify this exercise to fit different age groups and body capacities, however, if you have any specific concerns about your health then seek the advice of a healthcare professional or fitness instructor.