Top 7 Rear Delt Exercises for Quick Gains

Fahad Baig Mirza

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Rear Delt Exercises

How Rear Delts Are Important for Shoulder Development and Shaping

Rear Delt Exercises, commonly known as rear delts, are found on the posterior part of your shoulder. They are rather limited structures but are heavily involved in providing stability to the shoulders, the strength of the upper part of the body, and the perfect posture of the body.

However, the posterior portion of the delts is commonly neglected and therefore produces built muscle imbalances, shoulder discomfort, and next time suboptimal performance during bench presses as well as shoulder presses.

 Training your rear delts can lead to Training your rear delts can lead to:

  • Better Posture: Big rear delts provide balance to the front delts and chest muscles, which fitness exercises like bench presses contribute to making them oversized.
  • Injury Prevention: They also affect your shoulder mobility, meaning that someone with a weak rear delt has unstable shoulders, which exposes him to injuries, especially when pressing.
  • Aesthetic Shoulder Development: Rear delts are useful for alteration of the contour of the shoulder by providing the right shape on the outline of the tissue, which is quite rounded with the view to enabling a perfect proportion.

Here in this blog, I will describe the various effective exercises that will assist you in building quick mass and strength in the rear delt region. All these exercises that have been outlined here such as dumbbells, cables, and even machines will help you achieve a proper workout for your rear delts.

All these exercises have been selected depending on how effective they are in activating the rear delts and muscle hypertrophy.

Top 7 Rear Delt Exercises for Quick Gains

Here are the top 7 rear delt exercises for fast muscle development. These exercises have been proven to enhance muscle engagement, leading to quicker and more efficient results.

ExerciseTypePrimary Equipment
Reverse Dumbbell FlyDumbbell ExerciseDumbbells
Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral RaiseDumbbell ExerciseDumbbells
Cable Face PullCable ExerciseCable Machine
Reverse Cable FlyCable ExerciseCable Machine
Rear Delt Machine FlyMachine ExerciseMachine
Chest-Supported Rear Delt FlyDumbbell ExerciseDumbbells
Band Pull-ApartsResistance Band ExerciseResistance Bands

Key Takeaways

  • Rear delts play the role of holding the shoulder steady, correcting posture, as well as lending balance to the upper body.
  • Be sure to perform both dumbbell and cable-based rear delt exercises as they target all the muscle fibers effectively and cause hypertrophy.
  • Rear Delt exercises that target the muscle and offer the best strength to the movement include Reverse Dumbbell Fly and Cable Face Pull.
  • Ideally, training rear delts should be done 2-3 times a week to enhance the muscle mass and reduce the incidences of injuries.
  • Body positioning and gradual lift increase are crucial to the right execution of rear delt exercises and balance in a muscle group.
  • With both dumbbells and cables, machines, and band training programs for the rear delts[Anything] targets the rear delts from numerous positions to allow complete development.
  • Training rear deals on a habitual basis bring positive changes to your shoulders by giving them a round appearance and a well-defined shape.

 Dumbbell Rear Delt Exercises

The muscle groups involved are worked thoroughly when using dumbbells since they permits a full range of movement while their weights can also be changed to correspond to your resistance ability. Here are two of the best rear delt exercises with dumbbells: Here are two of the best rear delt exercises with dumbbells:

1. Reverse Dumbbell Fly

Reverse dumbbell flying is one of the most efficient and easiest rear delt movements that you can perform. It removes the participation of other muscles and thus makes it easier to work on the rear delts and build strength on muscles in this region only.

How to Perform:

  • In the starting position, take your feet wide apart with your knees slightly bending, and take two dumbbells in your hand.
  • This involves bending at the hips level so that the upper part of the body is near the ground and your arms should hang free with your palms supinated and with a slight bend at the elbow.
  • While trying to maintain the orientation of the back part, lift both dumbbells while moving them in a curved manner to the heights of the shoulders.
  • Finally, gradually lower the dumbbells to its original position.

 Why It’s Effective:

This exercise, known as the reverse dumbbell fly, works on the posterior portion of the delts, bringing shape and strength to it. The bent-over position also targets your upper back thus improving your posture.

Rear Delt Exercises
Rear Delt Exercises

2. Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This exercise is kind of like its cousin, reverse dumbbell fly, but the differences in the position of the arms alter the angle of the movement to work the rear delts from a different angle.

 How to Perform:

  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart spread and grasp the dumbbell with both hands at your side.
  • Bend your body at the hips so that your upper body rests at 45 45-degree angle with the floor.
  • By flexing your arms at about the 90-degree angle bend your elbows out to the sides while pinching your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position and that is one rep for each arm.

Why It’s Effective: For the perfect workout of the rear delts with minimal effort being placed on the lower back, try the bent-over dumbbell lateral raise. It is especially an excellent exercise for increasing one’s muscle endurance as well.

“Ensure that you take a slow pace while doing the exercise to ensure you do not
trigger the traps and ensure you pull the rear of your delts."

Cable Rear Delt Exercises

More importantly, the cables provide constant resistance throughout the range of the movement, which is essential for desirable muscle hypertrophy. Here are the best rear delt exercises cables options for mass and strength gains: Here are the best rear delt exercise cable options for mass and strength gains:

3. Cable Face Pull

It’s one of the ideal exercises for targeting the rear delts, upper back, and biceps Cable Face Pull. First of all, it exercises the deltoid muscles, but at the same time, it means training the rotator cuff muscles, which are critical for shoulder muscles.

How to Perform:

  • The one end of a rope anywhere on one of the ends of the cable machine used for pulling is higher than the other.
  • Take the rope in your two hands squeezing it firmly and your palms should face down.
  • Now step 2 is to take the rope towards the face by pulling it with elbows.
  • The key is to try and bring your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement; that is how it is done.

Why It’s Effective:

The cable face pull is another versatile exercise and emphasizes rear deltoids, traps as well as rotator cuffs, thus beneficial for shoulder health. To be used on days when there is intensive pressing anticipated or just as a general exercise to correct one’s posture it is quite effective.

Rear Delt Exercises
Rear Delt Exercises

4. Reverse Cable Fly

The reverse cable flight is another exercise that primarily targets the cables and more specifically the rear delts. By maintaining constant tension in the muscles, it’s perfect for converting max hypertrophy.

How to Perform:

  • Allende the cables at chest level where on engrossing the handles using overhand grip.
  • Take some distance so that they become tense and stretch your legs making them parallel to each other.
  • Upon extending the cables back into the fly-like motion, try to have a squeeze on the rear side of the deltoids.
  • Gradually come up to the original position.

Why It’s Effective:

It offers constant pull, making the rear delts involved throughout overcoming the load in each of the lifts. This exercise is ideal for the development of strength as well as size in the shoulder muscles.

"Ensure your elbow is slightly bent to shield your joints but at the same time allow optimal muscle engagement.”

These are the best rear delt exercises that can help you build huge mass on your rear delts.

Therefore, the exercises that have to be performed to gain muscle mass in the rear delt exercises are the compound ones with relatively high weight and effective isolation workouts. Here are the best rear delt exercises for mass: Here are the best rear delt exercises for mass:

5. Rear Delt Machine Fly

Because this particular machine targets the rear delt exercises and does not involve balance, this machine exercise serves well when intending to bring some mass to the table. The machine controls and directs that movement to the extent that your rear delts are the only muscles being targeted.

How to Perform:

  • Position yourself on a rental delt machine with your back resting against the chest support.
  • Both handles have to be gripped with a neutral grip while the elbows have to stay slightly bent.
  • Pry the handles out until they are outside of your body and feel your rear delts contract at the top phase.
  • This is our second position, slowly to the starting position.

Why It’s Effective:

This exercise eliminates the use of stabilizer muscles, which means that one is only called upon to contract the rear delt exercises machine fly. This makes it one of the best exercises, if not the best, which can be used when seeking to add maximum mass to the rear delts.

Rear Delt Exercises
Rear Delt Exercises

6. Chest-Supported Rear Delt Fly

This exercise is similar to the reverse dumbbell fly but by placing your chest on the bench; it will be easier to avoid straining the lower back area while exercising the rear deltoids.

 How to Perform:

  • Get down on the incline bench press bench, dumbbells in both hands.
  • Inhaled as you extended the elbow and lifted the dumbbells to the sides, going up to shoulder level.
  • Remember that before lifting the weights, you have to lower it down to its original position gently.

Why It’s Effective:

This exercise reduces all involvement of the lower back which makes it suitable for workouts for people who have had challenges with their back muscles or are just aiming to make their rear delts more noticeable in their workouts.

The rear delt exercises must be trained appropriately to develop proportional and balanced shoulders.

Proper symmetry of shoulders is important for appearance and equally significant concerning functionality of the shoulders.

Failure to train the rear delts might result in certain imbalances that may be dangerous for the clients.

Here’s a simple but effective exercise to ensure you’re giving your rear delts the attention they need: Here’s a simple but effective exercise to ensure you’re giving your rear delts the attention they need:

7. Band Pull-A parts

It is recommended that before performing heavy hitting, a band pull-apart is a good warm-up exercise, especially for your rear deltas. They are also great for flexibility of the shoulder plus maintenance of good posture of the body.

 How to Perform:

  • Grasp the two ends of a resistance band with your hands while placing the middle of the band across your shoulders.
  • Avoid bending your arms while pulling the band in the opposite direction by pulling your shoulders back.
  • Bend your knee and bring it back to the initial position slowly and then repeat the same process.

Why It’s Effective:

Explains the proper way to perform this exercise that targets the rear delts and upper back portion of the body and also helps in improving the overall shoulder stability and posture. It’s perfect if it is used before other exercises or for patients who are recovering from shoulder injuries.

Exercise Day Tip#3:

If you want quick gains on your rear delt, you should implement the following:

Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of your rear delt exercises: Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of your rear delt workouts:

  • Frequency: Include training on your rear delt exercises in your routine at least two to three times a week for growth stimulation. They regain their strength rather quickly and can undergo numerous training sessions.
  • Volume: Do 3 to 4 repetitions of each particular workload for 10 to 15 repetitions.
  • Progressive Overload: Do not risk that it continues to likely increase the number of requisite weights to add to muscle growth.
  • Focus on Form: The accent should always be placed on good form and not the type of weights used in the exercise to avoid recruitment of other muscles such as the traps.
  • Use a Variety of Equipment: Use barbells, cables, and fixed machines to hit rear delts from various angles and levels of resistance sporadically.
Rear Delt Exercises
Rear Delt Exercises


To have great shoulders bodybuilders must have great rear delt exercises as they help create balance, control posture and prevent injuries. The above-mentioned seven exercises targeting the rear delt will cause quick improvements in strength and muscle mass size.

When lifting weights from machines, cables, or dumbbells, the most important thing that must be observed is regularity. If you follow the tips outlined in this article, then it will be hard not to give your rear delts the attention they need.


1. When is the appropriate time to train in rear delt exercises?

Ideally, you should try and include the rear delts in your training routine 2-3 times per week. They are rated as a small muscle group and thus take a very short time to heal and can be trained quite often.

2. Which one is more beneficial, dumbbells or cables while doing the rear delt’s movement?

Both are effective, however, and the use of weights particularly dumbbells may be considered safer than the use of cables. Because dumbbell rear delt exercises enable a superior range of motion, they are preferable to cable exercises, which afford a steady tension throughout the movement.

3. What are the best rear delt exercises?

The Rear Delt Machine Fly is one of the finest movements to teach the rear delts how to go from a skinny muscle to a muscular body.

4. Can one perform rear delt exercises simultaneously with other shoulder exercises?

Yes! This approach ensures the shoulder is well developed equally through rear delt exercises as well as those that target the front and lateral deltoids, thus reducing the cases of injury.


  • Fahad Baig Mirza

    Hello, I’m Fahad Baig Mirza, founder of this blog with 7 years of experience in health and nutrition. I share expert tips on fitness, wellness, diets, and healthy living to help you thrive. Discover insights to transform your life! Explore all posts at Digital Health Profits.

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